How to Build Brand Awareness

Building brand awareness can be an overwhelming idea for anyone looking to grow his or her company, but when shaken down to its core, it can be fairly easy for a company to create brand awareness by following a few simple steps.

1.     Build Brand Awareness With a Strong Website

 In the beginning, when no one knows who you are or what you are trying to accomplish, let them know by creating a user-friendly, easy to navigate website. Use this platform to let your audience know everything necessary about your brand. A creative and brand-inspired logo will draw users in and have them asking for more. Be sure to give them what they are looking for by having an easy to access blog with insights into the challenges of the industry, a page for frequently asked questions with detailed answers for users to learn from and available contact information for users with any questions that may be unanswered.

Once a solid foundation is built, social media will be the biggest asset in terms of connecting with an audience. Posting relevant and fun content on the social channels used most by clients will help you gather insights and opinions from the people that matter most – your target audience.

2.     Get Technical

 After you have built an active audience through use of a website and social media, it’s time to let your audience teach you. Learn the demographics of the users you are appealing to. Keep up with your audience by delivering the exact content they’re looking for directly to their social feeds and use analytics to get a tight grip on SEO that is tuned to the needs and wants of your customers.

3.     Grow Your Team

If you are still wondering how to get brand awareness, the answer is simple – grow your team. With the help of Influition, marketing for your company through the use of social media, brand ambassadors and event marketing will become easier than ever. Influition is your one stop shop for boosting your social media, finding the right ambassadors to represent your brand to your target audience as far and wide as you wish and to facilitating events that are sure to keep customers coming back for more.

Running a Successful Product Giveaway

Product giveaways, depending on the success of their execution, can take your business to the next level or reduce its credibility greatly. It is important to know how to execute a giveaway before jumping into the game uneducated or without a plan.

One of the most important factors to producing a successful product giveaway is the establishment of goals that stretch beyond merely gaining publicity. Other than the obvious goal – gaining a larger following on social media – other goals that can be achieved from successful product giveaways include strengthening the network of links found in your media and improving SEO.

When the goals for your giveaway have been outlined, you can decide how you’re going to gather entries for your giveaway, whether that be through email submission, likes, follows, shares or retweets. Capturing consumer information during a giveaway is a great way to keep in touch with your audience – not just for the longevity of the giveaway, but for the long haul. Having the names, email addresses and in some cases, even home addresses of members of your audience will aid in keeping those connections alive for future giveaways, events and productivity surveys for your business.

To run a giveaway successfully, it is important to have established starting and ending dates and times for entry, make the prize and its’ value known, let contestants know how the winner will be picked, and to know your audience. Not only should you know the interests of your audience, but you should also make your giveaway easy to enter. Your audiences, the people who will participate in your giveaway, become free marketers for your brand just by entering the giveaway. An easy to enter giveaway will only increase the participation in and attraction to your giveaway.

Product giveaway ideas can include gift cards, products or services from your business, or a compilation of donations from clients that you may have. Marketing companies, for example, could run a giveaway by collecting donations from several of their clients and creating a gift basket of all the items. Not only would the marketing company running the giveaway be getting exposure for themselves, but they would be helping each of the clients featured in the giveaway to get exposure from audiences that may not have otherwise seen their products.

College Rockstar Giveaway 

College Rockstar Giveaway